Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Dawn of Change

This morning, hope shone brighter than the sun in Washington D.C. From all around the world, people gathered to watch the first African American President-elect be sworn in as the United States forty-fourth President. Millions of Americans stood in freezing weather to watch this historic event take place. Although I didn't have the privilege of standing with those fortunate people, I watched history take place from my living room. As I watched former President Bush see his reign of power end and President Obama take America by the horns, I couldn't help but smile giddily. I realized, however, that though most people are open to change, there is still a significant amount of people in this country who continue to close their hearts and minds to a change of face and pace for this country. Why do some people remain so cold towards people that are different from themselves? I believe it's because these people are afraid of change. Not necessarily the change Obama preaches, but change from the norm of the 'ideal' President. What is an 'ideal' President? An ideal President is a man or woman who genuinely cares not only about the future of America, but the consequences of his or her decisions. Throughout President Obama's speech, he encouraged hope and perseverence. President Obama encouraged America to, "Pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and begin remaking America." He told the American people that, "This country wasn't make by the faint of heart, but by the risk-takers; the doers." During a time of recession and a failing economy, President Obama gave America the pep talk she needed. President Obama also had a thing or two to say to the Middle East. He said that the American people are strong and brave and will not allow out enemies to bully us into fear. He reminded our enemies that, "Your people will judge you on what you build, not what you destroy." I thought this was brilliant! I can't express how elated I am that our President is a wise man that thinks before he does. I just wish everyone could look beyond the color of President Obama's skin and see the wise, intelligent, brave, humble, strong, hopeful man that he is. As the President said, "We will extend our hand if you unclench your fist." As Americans, we need to be united, or otherwise we will fall and perish. In the word's of Presiden Obama," The world has changed and we must change with it."
As far as Elizabeth Alexander’s poem, although it wasn’t exactly what I was expecting, I appreciated what she wrote. I expected something that Mia Angelou would write, but Alexander’s poem was surprisingly modern. I loved the line, “I need to see what’s on the other side; I know there’s something better down the road.” It depicted the hope that America has for Obama’s presidency beautifully. Alexander gave great imagery when talking of the railroad workers and slaves working in the fields. It gave beautiful significance to the event of today.

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