Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Free Verse

I was not in class Tuesday so I will comment about the poetry we discussed last Thursday. This was possibly the most interesting poetry we have read yet. I really enjoyed the first poem we discussed, "Poetry". This poem really captured the way most people view poetry and what poetry actually is.

Most people see poetry as "not for them". Poetry has the reputation of being hard to understand, abstract and even elitist. This reputation has kept poetry from reaching the masses as with other forms of art. Moore addresses this reputation immediately and directly. By doing this, and empathizing with the reader, Moore removes this reputation instantly.

Moore then goes further into explaining what poetry is. That is the rhythm and beauty in every day life. She speaks of how the cliche visuals in poetry are not all true, and even creates imagery of her own that is not near as soothing. This is all to let us know that poetry is everywhere and for everyone.

Where I believe this poem does not work, is within the poem itself. The poem is very intricate, has no rhyming pattern that a person would associate with poetry, and is what most people would call "artsy". The poem's abstractness and the way it appears on paper would deter any average reader. So the poem tries to allow the reader to see that poetry is everywhere and for everyone, but this poem isn't for everyone. While I personally enjoyed the poem and its meaning, I'm not sure the point would get across to the majority of people who do not enjoy poetry in the first place.

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