Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Denver and Beloved

Two out of the four main characters in Beloved have me quite confused: Denver and Beloved.
From the beginning Denver has had me confused. She seems moody and angry. She’s all over the place! One minute she’s rude and angry at Paul D for simply being in her house and for making her mother happy, and the next she’s completely fawning over Beloved, nursing her back to health and waiting on her hand and foot. I can’t wrap my head around her motives most, if not all of the time.
Then there’s Beloved. She doesn’t ever seem to form complete sentences and she acts so peculiarly, sick and sad one minute and dancing the next. Not only does she seem a little out of it, but she showed up out of nowhere. I completely understand Paul D’s reservations about her. With her clean feet and her strange behavior, her existence in the story is most definitely going to stir things up in 124. I also feel like she’s supposed to be representative of some theme but I cannot quite put my finger on it.
The most confusing parts about Beloved and Denver so far is their conversation at the end of this most recent segment we were to read. Beloved reveals something of her motivations for showing up at 124 to Denver and Denver immediately understands.
But I didn’t. And I feel like maybe I was supposed to? Either way, I’m looking forward to catching up with Denver and Beloved.

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